Ami Cheat's Page - ULTIMA IV



There is a way to determine your character's class. When the Gypsy asks you to choose one of the virtues - Honesty, Compassion, Valour, Justice, Sacrifice, Honour, Spirituality or Humility over another, the higher virtue appears on the LEFT as choice 'A'. The eight classes - Mage, Bard, Fighter, Druid, Tinker, Paladin, Ranger or Shepherd correspond to the virtues in this manner: If you choose all 'A' answers, you'll be a Mage; Seven 'A' answers and then a 'B' will make you a Bard, and so on. The Bard, with his sling, and the Mage, with spell-casting ability, begin with distinct advantages. The size of monster parties on the surface is based on the size of your group, so unless you enjoy lots of large-scale battles, don't enlist any party members (except maybe a Mage) until you've become an Avatar.


Half the game is devoted to developing the virtues. (see the DUNGEON section for the secret to building strength and other traits). Hawkwind, in Lord British's Castle, will inform you of your progress. The numbers match the order of the virtues previously listed and 99 means you're ready for elevation. Talk to everyone you meet. Actions are also important, and improper actions will cost you points. To earn Honesty points, never steal, pay less than a shop's quoted price or lie. The trick question is: "Have you never lied?", whose correct answer is "No". For Compassion, give one piece of gold to beggars. Valour is attained by victorious combat, but don't attack non-evil creatures or you'll lose Justice and Honour points. And if you attack them while they're fleeing you'll lose Honour! It's O.K. to fight them if they attack. Never flee from combat unless in mortal danger, or you'll lose Valour. Honour is attained by not cheating in shops and by finding the runes, stone, bell, book and candle. Give blood when a Healer asks for donations to earn Sacrifice points. You gain a few Spirituality points each time you talk to Hawkwind. For Humility, always say "No" when asked if you're proud of something or best at anything - unless asked if you are the MOST HUMBLE.


Each gate has THREE phases, which can be determined by the three-part cycle of the moons. The first number below refers to the gate as you enter it, the last three to your destination.

Gate Vicinity - Activation ----- Lat. - Long. - 1st - 2nd - 3rd

1 | Moonglow - | New Moon ------ | I'F" | O'A" | - 1 -- 2 | 3
2 | Britain -- | Crescent Waxing | G'G" | G'A" | - 4 -- 5 | 6
3 | Jhelom --- | 1st Quarter --- | O'A" | C'G" | - 7 -- 8 | 1
4 | Yew ------ | Gibbous Waxing- | C'F" | D'C" | - 2 -- 3 | 4
5 | Minoc ---- | Full Moon ----- | B'D" | K'G" | shrine 6 | 7
6 | Trinsic -- | Gibbous Waning- | M'C" | G'I" | - 8 -- 1 | 2
7 | Skara Brae | Last Quarter -- | H'O" | B'H" | - 3 -- 4 | 5
8 | Magincia - | Crescent Waning | K'H" | L'L" | - 6 -- 7 | 8


Prepare lots of spells and carry some extra reagents. Missile weapons like slings are especially valuable. If you step back instead of advancing towards monsters in the combat arena, they will often move into the firing line. You can outrun them on a horse. One effective combat tactic is to line your crew into two columns. See the Virtues section on Valour, Justice and Honour for other combat tips. Some spells aren't revealed in the manual: Gate Travel (a f h), Undead (a c), Resurrect (a b c d e h).


The first stage of this solution is from the viewpoint of a Mage. To follow it with another class, use the Moon Gates to reach Moonglow. Search the chest next to Mariah for the Rune of Honesty. Don't buy any magic herbs if just starting out. Instead, visit the Lycaeum on the Northwest coast. Ask the Baron about the word and he'll say: "VER" which is part of the Word Of Passage. Enter the Moon Gate, West of Moonglow during a New moon and search for the Stone of Humility. Enter during the next New moon and go to Britannia.


Go East in the Castle, open the door and find the WHITE DOT on the North wall. These mark secret doors. Go North to the dot leading East; outside you'll find Joshua and a riddle. Re-enter the passage and go North into the Northeast Castle Rampart. Go West to meet Shawn for tips on Humility. A ladder in this rampart leads to the second level and the Prison; a secret door leads West to behind the Castle and a ladder to the Dungeon Hythloth. A Healer is due South of the first secret door. On the West side of the Castle you'll find Hawkwind through the first door AFTER moving South. Go North and East through the door just South of the ladder. Search in the LOWER RIGHT CORNER for the Rune of Spirituality. Head upstairs to meet Lord British, who will heal you if asked about Health and you say "No". He'll also promote you to higher levels when you've earned it.


Buy a Sling. At the end of the long hall North of the Inn, search for the Rune of Compassion. Enter the secret door in the Healer's and Julio about nature for Honesty points. Keep the sea in sight while moving South. Cross the two bridges going East and enter Paws. Buy a horse. South of the Stables, just below the Stablehand, search for the Rune of Humility. The Herb Shoppe is behind a secret door in the Armoury.


You need 900 gold for your next major purchase, so kill lots of monsters on the way to Lord British's Castle. Get healed and head East from Moon Gate 2, crossing the bridge and moving East until you see mountains to the North. Go North, passing the eastern bridge, and circle Lock Lake. Southeast of the lake you'll spy a pass through the foothills that leads East and exits into the Bloody Plains to the Northeast. To find Mandrake Root, stand on the SINGLE SQUARE OF SWAMP and search during a New Moon. Go due East through a small mountain pass that leads North and you'll find Vesperon the South coast.


Don't enter without 900 gold. Then visit the Guild and ask about ITEM D. Use it to get your bearings; most of the sites listed in the charts used, employ these co-ordinates. You can also pick up Humility points in Vesper, whose walls are lined with secret doors.


Head back to Lord British, yelling at the horse to hurry if you're seriously wounded. After checking with him and Hawkwind you're ready to travel the land and build up your character by earning 99 points in each virtue and acquiring the runes and mantras needed to enter the shrines. Complete this for all virtues and you'll have attained Partial Avatarhood. First go to Paws and stock up on ginseng and garlic, then use the Moon Gates and the sextant to reach the following locations for the necessary items or information. Later you can raise lots of gold by finding the Mystic Armour and weapons; sell them and return for more, and repeat until rich. Ships won't appear until later in the game, and Jhelom or Skara Brae are good places to find one.


Name ------------ Lat. - Long. - Items Of Interest

Lycaeum ------- | G'L" | N'K" | Book of truth; First Syllable
Empath Abbey -- | D'C" | B'M" | Mystic Armour; Second Syllable
Serpent's Hold- | P'B" | J'C" | Mystic Weapons; Third Syllable
Skara Brae ---- | I'A" | B'G" | Cheap Food; Tips on Shrines and stones
Magincia ------ | K'J" | L'L" | Hints on Humility
Cove ---------- | F'K" | I'I" | Candle of Love
Vesper -------- | D'L" | M'J" | Thieve's Guild
Buccanneers Den | J'O" | I'I" | Thieve's Guild; Magic Weapons
Britannia ----- | G'L" | F'G" | Rune of Spirituality
Moonglow ------ | I'H" | O'I" | Rune of Honesty
Britain ------- | G'K" | F'C" | Rune of Compassion
Jhelom -------- | N'O" | C'E" | Rune of Valour; Magic Armour
Yew ----------- | C'L" | D'K" | Rune of Justice
Minoc --------- | B'E" | J'P" | Rune of Sacrifice; Magic Weapons
Trinsic ------- | L'I" | G'K" | Rune of Honour
Paws ---------- | J'B" | G'C" | Rune of Humility; Horses

The only tricky one is Valour; at Lord Robert in Jhelom, go South and West through secret doors and search in the SOUTHEAST RAMPART.


Shrine ------- Lat. - Long. Mantra Axiom

Honesty ---- | E'C" | O'J" | ahm- | i
Compassion - | F'M" | I'A" | mu - | n
Valour ----- | O'F" | C'E" | ra - | f
Justice ---- | A'L" | E'J" | beh- | i
Sacrifice -- | C'N" | M'N" | bah- | n
Honour ----- | M'P" | F'B" | summ | i
Spirituality | B'D" | K'G" | om - | t
Humility --- | N'I" | O'H" | lum- | y

You need a boat to reach Honesty, Valour and Humility; the Silver Horn is needed for the latter, which is approached from M'A", O'H" by boat.


Now use the Moon Gates and sextant to find things listed in the following table in any order you choose. You need a ship to reach Serpent's Hold and the Stygian Abyss.


Item --------------- Lat. - Long. - Effect/Location/Condition

Bell of Courage -- | N'A" | L'A" | Use to enter Abyss
Book Of Truth*** - | A'G" | A'G" | Use to enter Abyss
Candle Of Love**** | A'B" | B'G" | Use to enter Abyss
Mondain's Skull -- | P'F" | M'F" | Use to enter Abyss
Balloon ---------- | P'C" | O'J" | Exit of Hythloth Dungeon
Wheel ------------ | N'H" | G'A" | Strengthens ship's hull
Silver Horn ------ | K'N" | C'N" | Banishes daemons at Humility Shrine
Black Stone** ---- | I'F" | O'A" | Search Moonglow Gate
White Stone ------ | F'A" | E'A" | Fly to Serpent Spine on Balloon
Mystic Armour* --- | A'E" | B'G" | Oak Grove of Empath Abbey
Mystic Weapons* -- | A'P" | A'I" | Academy at Serpent's Hold
Nightshade** ----- | J'F" | C'O" | Reagent
Mandrake Root** -- | D'G" | L'G" | Reagent

* = Must be a partial Avatar
** = Search during New Moon
*** = In Library, West of Rob and Beth in Lycaeum
**** = Behind fire in Cove's Temple


Enter the Hythloth Dungeon behind Britannia, exit immediately and enter the Balloon. Climb and descend to fly it, and use wind spells to steer. Fly West and North to the Serpent's Spine mountain range and land at the Avatar Symbol for the White Stone. You can also fly to Cove on the East shore of Lock Lake, otherwise accessed by entering a whirlpool while on a ship.


When you have all eight runes and mantras and are ready for elevation, meditate at each shrine for three minutes. After acquiring the items listed previously and talking to everyone for clues, buy the best weapons: three Magic Wands, three Magic Bows, one Crossbow, one Sling, and Armour for each character. Stock up on Reagents and food, then say "Join" to everyone in the eight major towns to recruit your party. The only tricky ones are the Shepherd (enter Magincia, exit the gate and go South along the wall) and Geoffrey, the Fighter in Jhelom who won't join until your party reaches a high enough level. Now head for the Dungeons.


Two goals await: Finding the Stones at the Altars and using them in the Altar Rooms to get the 3-part Key. The Dungeons are connected by the Altar Rooms, but all three Altars can be found in Hythloth - so you can save time by visiting it after acquiring all eight stones instead of going to the Altar Rooms in the other Dungeons. The Stones are also necessary for getting through the Stygian Abyss. You can raise your Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity by touching Magical Balls in the Dungeons. This will cost the character some hit points, which can be restored with a Heal Spell. The sections on each Dungeon tell how to find these balls, the Stones and the Altars. Peer at a gem when you first enter a Maze, then check it again and compare with the directions if you get disorientated.

You can do them in any order; this path leads through the ones whose Magical Balls do the LEAST damage, to avoid depleting hit points too quickly. You'll have to decide which characters should touch a Ball, since they only work once. When told to go UP or DOWN, in these sections, this refers to using ladders, NOT casting those spells. The Dungeons are connected by the Altar Rooms, so always leave by the door you entered - especially in Dungeons accessible only by boat. Otherwise you'll emerge outside a faraway Dungeon when you cast an X-it Spell.


Name ----- Lat. - Long. Stone - Level Altars - Attribute

Deceit - | E'J" | P'A" | Blue - | 7 | t --- | Intelligence
Despise- | E'D" | F'L" | Yellow | 5 | l --- | Strength
Destard- | K'I" | E'I" | Red -- | 7 | c --- | Dexterity
Wrong -- | B'E" | H'O" | Green- | 8 | t,l - | Int./Str.
Covetous | B'L" | J'M" | Orange | 7 | l,c - | Str./Dex.
Shame -- | G'G" | D'K" | Purple | 2 | t,c - | Int./Dex
Hythloth | P'A" | O'P" | (none) | - | t,l,c | All

The 't', 'l' and 'c' stand for the Altar Rooms of Truth, Love and Courage.


Magical Balls increase Intelligence 5 points and cost 200 hit points.

Level 1: Go EAST 2, NORTH 2, WEST 6, North 2 and DOWN.

Level 2: Follow hall SOUTH and go WEST through the door. SOUTH 2, then go through both doors leading WEST. Follow hall SOUTH and enter room to the EAST. Continue EAST through two rooms and DOWN.

Level 3: SOUTH 2 to the three doors. Go WEST to Magical Ball. Return to three doors and go SOUTH to wall, then EAST and DOWN.

Level 4: DOWN.

Level 5: EAST 4 to Magical Ball. Go WEST through the door. Follow hall to Healing Fountain. Return to junction, go NORTH and DOWN.

Level 6: Follow hall EAST through door and into room, exit EAST and climb UP ladder to Level 5. Go EAST through room (you'll need lots of AWAKE spells!) and DOWN.

Level 7: WEST 1 (lights out), SOUTH 6, WEST 2 (dispelling energy fields as you go). Search Altar for Blue Stone, then EAST and NORTH to UP ladder - but DON'T take it! EAST 1, NORTH through two doors and exit EAST from the room. Continue EAST to ladder and DOWN.

Level 8: Go SOUTH, then EAST through a door into a room. Exit EAST and follow hall NORTH and EAST, going NORTH through dor. Continue NORTH out of the room and follow hall NORTH and WEST to the wall. Go SOUTH into the Altar Room of Truth. Exit Dungeon.


Magical Balls increase Dexterity 5 points ad cost 200 hit points.

Level 1: EAST through door and follow hall to ladder. DOWN. (If your party is wounded, go EAST 1 from the entrance and SOUTH to the wall. Bear WEST to the Fountain).

Level 2: WEST into room and exit NORTH. Follow hall into next room and exit WEST. Continue WEST to ladder. DOWN.

Level 3: SOUTH, dispelling field, to ladder. DOWN.

Level 4: SOUTH into room. Step on floor section in alcove in centre of east wall to open and take secret exit going EAST. Continue EAST and NORTH to Magical Ball. Follow hall back SOUTH and EAST to ladder and DOWN.

Level 5: NORTH through secret door five steps - DON'T relight torch yet. Dispel field and go NORTH 1. Relight torch and dispel field to the EAST. Go EAST and SOUTH through the door; continue SOUTH to the wall and turn east. Move forward two steps and enter NORTH door (the centre one of three doors). Move one character into the secret door on the Northeast corner of the Fountain (the door that's set into the NORTH wall). Then move another into the secret door in a wall in the Southwest corner of the room (NOT the entrance halls). This opens an exit to the North, where you'll find the Yellow Stone. Go SOUTH 2, back to the hall, then WEST and NORTH until you are able to turn SOUTH into the hall from which you entered. Go SOUTH to ladder and DOWN.

Level 6: Follow hall NORTH to Healing Fountain. CAST DOWN SPELL.

Level 7: Bear WEST to ladder then DOWN.

Level 8: Go NORTH through both rooms to Magical Ball, then back SOUTH through both rooms and exit WEST from the second one. Follow hall into room with Reapers and exit NORTH to Magical Ball. Exit Dungeon.


Magical Balls increase Strength 5 points and eat up 200 hit points.

Level 1: SOUTH 2, EAST through the wall and DOWN.

Level 2: NORTH 2, WEST through the room and DOWN.

Level 3: EAST into room and exit SOUTH. Follow hall SOUTH and into first door WEST, then NORTH 1 to Ball. Return to room with 4 exits and go NORTH, follow hall NORTH to the wall; go WEST 2 and SOUTH 1 to Ball. Return to the 4 exits room, go EAST and DOWN.

Level 4: Follow hall into room and exit WEST. Follow hall to ladder and DOWN.

Level 5: NORTH 4, WEST 6, NORTH 2, WEST to ladder and DOWN.

Level 6: WEST 2 (lights go out) and NORTH 2 to Ball. SOUTH 4, EAST 4 to Ball. WEST 2, NORTH 2 and UP to Level 5. EAST 4, NORTH 4, DOWN to Level 6. WEST to ladder and DOWN.

Level 7: SOUTH into door, WEST 2 into next door for Red Stone. Return to ladder and climb to Level 6. EAST 4 and DOWN. Follow hall to ladder and DOWN.

Level 8: WEST 2, NORTH 4, EAST through secret door and follow hall SOUTH to Altar Room of Courage.


Magical Balls increase Intelligence and Dexterity 5 points and cost 400 hit points.

Level 1: NORTH 2, turn EAST. Follow hall to wall and turn NORTH. Walk through secret door and DOWN.

Level 2: NORTH through room and DOWN. (If you need healing, first go EAST to wall and NORTH through door to Fountain).

Level 3: SOUTH through secret door and follow hall to Ball. Go back through secret door and follow EAST hall PAST the first ladder down. Take the NEXT one DOWN.

Level 4: WEST to Southern door. SOUTH through room and DOWN.

Level 5: EAST 4 (lights go out; don't relight until Level 6), SOUTH 4 and DOWN.

Level 6: WEST 2, then SOUTH through secret door and the room beyond. Dispel fields to the South, cure poisoned characters and continue to Fountain. Go through Fountain to Ball, then NORTH into Main Hall and go WEST 2 and SOUTH through secret door. Repeat actions with Fountain and Ball here and return to Main Hall. Go WEST 2, then SOUTH through secret door. Continue SOUTH, dispelling fields, to ladder and go DOWN.

Level 7: EAST into room, then exit NORTH. Follow hall through both doors and take WEST hall to Magic Ball. Return to room and go to the SOUTH end. Put a character on the square Northeast of the Southernmost square of the room to open secret exit to the EAST. Exit EAST and DOWN.

Level 8: NORTH 2, WEST through 3 rooms. Follow hall and enter next room. Dispel fields in Northwest corner and stand on corner square to open secret exit to West. Go WEST and get Green Stone. (You can reach the Altar Room of Truth by going South). Exit Dungeon.


Magical Balls increase Strength and Dexterity 5 points and cost 400 hit points.

Level 1: EAST 2, SOUTH 1, EAST 2 and NORTH into room. Step on square in Southwest corner to open secret exit to NORTH. Exit NORTH and DOWN.

Level 2: Follow hall to ladder and DOWN.

Level 3: Go WEST through three rooms. In the third, step on square in Northeast corner to open secret exit West. Go WEST to Magical Ball. Go to middle room and step on square in Southeast corner to open secret exit North. Go NORTH through room after it and exit WEST from the next one. Follow West hall to door, go through it and take NORTH hall to ladder. DOWN.

Level 4: SOUTH 2, WEST 3 into room. Step on square in Northeast corner of room to reveal similar square in centre of West side. Dispel fields to reach it, then go WEST and DOWN.

Level 5: DOWN. (Lots of gold on this level if you need it!).

Level 6: NORTH 2 to Magical Ball. SOUTH 4, WEST 4 to another Ball. EAST 2, SOUTH 2 to a third one. NORTH 4, EAST 2 and DOWN.

Level 7: WEST to Down ladder (but don't take it). NORTH 2 and EAST through secret door for Orange Stone. Exit Dungeon.

(NOTE: Although not necessary for this solution, you can go West through two secret doors and continue West through two rooms to ladder. Then Down to Level 8 and East and North to Altar Room of Love, or West and South to Altar Room of Courage).


Sail down the river from H'F" C'A" to this one. Magical Balls increase Intelligence and Strength 5 points and cost 400 hit points.

Level 1: DOWN to Level 7 and cast Z to Level 8.

Level 8: Follow the west hall into room. Through secret doors in Southern walls, go SOUTH in this and the next room. In the third room, go WEST via secret door to Healing Fountain. Walk through it to Magical Ball. Advance to next Ball, then EAST back into room. Now go NORTH through two rooms, using secret doors in top middle wall of the second one. (If you want to visit the Altar Rooms from here: go NORTH through third room and take WEST hall to Altar of Truth; go NORTH instead and you'll reach Altar Room of Courage). Step on square in centre of room to open secret exit WEST. Follow hall to ladder. UP.

Level 7: WEST 3 and UP ladder.

Level 6: EAST 2 and UP ladder.

Level 5: Follow hall and go NORTH through door, then UP ladder.

Level 4: Follow hall into room and go EAST through three rooms. Advance to the Magical Ball. Return to the door and go NORTH to another Magical Ball, then on to the Healing Fountain. (The other Fountain, beyond the first Ball, also heals). Cast Y to go UP.

Level 3: WEST to four-way junction, take North door through room and UP ladder.

Level 2: SOUTH to a wall, then EAST to a wall. Follow hall SOUTH to Altar for Purple Stone. Follow hall back NORTH to the first place you can turn left into a new hall (not just turn left in the same one!). WEST 2, turn NORTH and dispel field. Advance to UP ladder.

Level 1: Follow NORTH hall into room and put a character on the square in the small alcove of the Northeast corner to open the secret Northern exit. Go NORTH and put someone on the square directly over the lower right of the three white circles to open a secret Northern exit. Follow hall NORTH to Magical Ball, then exit Dungeon.


Magical Balls increase all traits 5 points and cost 800 hit points, so you'll need some resurrection spells. All three Altar Rooms are accessible from Level 8, but you need all eight stones to reach and use the Altar Rooms. By using 'stones' when a character is atop an Altar, you obtain a piece of the 3-part key at each one. For Truth: Blue, Green, Purple and White; For Love: Yellow, Green, Orange and White; For Courage: Red, Orange, Purple and White.

Level 1: Jimmy lock behind Castle Britannia and descend to Level 8.

Level 8: Peer at a gem and you'll see Truth in the far Northwest corner, Love in the short hall going North and Courage far to the Northeast. To reach Courage, follow hall NORTH (dispelling field) to the wall, go EAST 1 and NORTH into room. Put a man on the square in the Northwest corner to open secret exit EAST. Go EAST into the next room and exit NORTH. Take door to the NORTH to enter Altar Room of Courage. Exit SOUTH and enter SOUTH door, then walk through secret door in West wall. Exit SOUTH in the next room, then go SOUTH and dispel field to your West. Follow the hall to the ladder by which you entered, turn WEST and dispel the first field. Follow the hall NORTH to enter the Altar Room of Love. Exit SOUTH, go SOUTH 1 and dispel the field. Turn WEST and dispel the next two fields and follow this hall to the Altar Room of Truth. Exit SOUTH and follow hall to the ladder, dispelling fields as you go.

(If you don't want to go to the Altar Rooms or have already done so, go South and dispel the field, then follow hall beyond the ladder and climb).

Level 7: WEST 2, SOUTH 2, then UP ladder.

Level 6: Cast Up Spell.

Level 5: Follow hall SOUTH and WEST to Magical Ball. Go back EAST and NORTH to ladder, then WEST to another Magical Ball. Go EAST past first ladder, follow hall to second ladder and climb.

Level 4: EAST 2, DOWN ladder to Level 5, EAST and climb UP to Level 4. WEST into room, then exit NORTH. Follow hall into next room, exit WEST and climb.

Level 3: NORTH 6, WEST 2 to Magical Ball. Go EAST into next room and exit NORTH. Follow hall to Healing Fountain. Return to previous room and exit SOUTH. Continue SOUTH through next room and go EAST to ladder and UP.

Level 2: EAST to the wall, SOUTH through door. Follow either hall to ladder and UP.

Level 1: SOUTH and EAST to Magical Ball. WEST 2, NORTH to ladder and UP.


Sail East from Serpent's Hold into the Pirate's Bay. After each combat, exit ship and move onto the next one to reach the East shore. (Use the wheel to strengthen your ship if damaged severely). Go EAST and SOUTH to O'J" O'J", the entrance. Use the Skull, Bell, Book and Candle to enter the Abyss.

Level 1: Follow hall EAST through three rooms, then SOUTH to a large room with several walls on the left. Go EAST 2, NORTH 2 and use stone at the Altar. (Answers: HONESTY & BLUE). DOWN.

Level 2: Go SOUTH through two rooms and EAST through two. After exiting the the second one into a hall, go EAST 1, NORTH 4, then EAST through a secret door. Continue EAST (dispelling fields) and use stone at the Altar. (Answers: COMPASSION & YELLOW). DOWN.

Level 3: SOUTH 2 and exit room WEST. Continue WEST through one room to the Altar. Use Stone. (Answers: VALOR & RED).

Level 4: EAST 3, then EAST through secret door. Go through secret doors in north wall of next rooms until you face an Orange wall, then EAST 4 and dispel the field. Continue EAST into the room and exit NORTH. Exit NORTH from the next room. Use stone. (Answers: JUSTICE & GREEN).

Level 5: SOUTH to the wall and EAST through the door into a room. Step on square in corner of Northeast alcove, behind fields, to open secret exit. SOUTH into next room and step on square in lower Southeast corner to open secret exit SOUTH into next room. There you must step on fire square below three mountains to open secret exit East. Go EAST to Altar. Use Stone. (Answers: SACRIFICE & ORANGE).

Level 6: SOUTH 2, WEST 2, SOUTH 1 and EAST through door. Go EAST again and exit SOUTH from the next room. Exit the next room West, the next South, the next East, the next North, and the next East. Dispel field caging the Balron in Northeast corner and step on square he occupied, which opens secret exit South. Go SOUTH and step on square in centre alcove behind fields, in Northeast corner of room. Dispel field at South end and step on Southeast square to open bridge. Cross bridge and exit South. Exit next room East, and go SOUTH from the next one. Go EAST to Altar and Use Stone. (Answers: HONOR & PURPLE).

Level 7: WEST 1, NORTH into room. Exit NORTH and go WEST into next room. Exit NORTH and go WEST. Step on square in wall of the Southeast corner to open partitioned area, then stand in the crook of the backwards "L" to open secret exit North. Go NORTH and enter West door. Send your 8th character two SOUTH and one WEST to open secret exit North. After leaving room, go NORTH and WEST to Altar and Use Stone. (Answers: SPIRITUALITY & WHITE).

Level 8: Go SOUTH and EAST through the door into a room and exit EAST. Step on square in Northeast corner to move bricks from square in the Southwest corner, which opens a secret exit to the North. Follow hall into next room and exit it SOUTH. Step on square in wall of Southeast corner to activate similar square below Balron. Slay Balron and step on square he occupied to activate square at top of cage. Step on that square to open secret exit South. Use Stone at Altar. (Answers: HUMILITY & BLACK).




index... | # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ...main